报告题目:Making the world’s best atomic clock
报 告 人 :Prof. Jun Ye
JILA, National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Colorado
主 持 人 :孙洪波 教授
报告时间:2016年10月12日 10:00
Abstract: The relentless pursuit of spectroscopy resolution has been a key drive for many scientific and technological breakthroughs over the past century, including the invention of laser and the creation of ultracold matter. Our state-of-the-art laser now maintains optical phase coherence over many seconds and provides this piercing resolution across the entire visible spectrum. The new capability in control of light has enabled us to create and probe novel quantum matter via manipulation of dilute atomic and molecular gases at ultralow temperatures. For the first time, we control the quantum states of more than 1000 atoms so precisely that we achieve a more stable and accurate atomic clock than any existing atomic clocks, with both key clock characteristics reaching the 10-18 level. We are also on the verge of integrating novel many-body quantum states into the frontiers of precision metrology, ready to advance the measurement precision beyond the standard quantum limit. Such advanced clocks will allow us to test the fundamental laws of nature and find applications among a wide range of technological frontiers.
Prof. Jun Ye is a Fellow of JILA, NIST and University of Colorado. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of NIST, a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and a Fellow of the Optical Society of America. His research focuses on the frontier of light-matter interactions and includes precision measurement, quantum physics and ultracold matter, optical frequency metrology, and ultrafast science. He has co-authored over 300 scientific papers and has delivered about 480 invited talks. Awards and honors include US Presidential Rank Award, three Gold Medals from the U.S. Commerce Department, Frew Fellowship from the Australian Academy of Science, I. I. Rabi Prize from the American Physical Society, European Frequency and Time Forum Award, Carl Zeiss Research Award, William F. Meggers Award and Adolph Lomb Medal from the Optical Society of America, Arthur S. Flemming Award, Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, Friedrich Wilhem Bessel Award from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and Samuel Wesley Stratton Award from NIST.
The research group web page is <a style="color: blue; text-decoration: none;" href=/info/1067/"http://jila.colorado.edu/YeLabs/" target="_blank"http://jila.colorado.edu/YeLabs/.