报告题目:When Time Meets Color: NovelConcepts for Multiplexed Biosensing Using Time-Resolved FRET
Thepresentation will give an introduction to time-resolved and time-gatedFRET and explain the specific benefits of lanthanide/dye/quantum dotFRET pairs for spectral and temporal multiplexed luminescencedetection. Then, recent applications of these FRET pairs in differenthomogeneous single-step FRET biosensors for the sensitive and specificdetection of multiple biomarkers from low-volume liquid samples or oncell membranes and inside cells will be discussed. These Tb-basedFRET biosensors provide a rapid, simple, selective, and sensitive toolfor multiplexed detection of various oligonucleotides or proteins,which makes them highly interesting for clinical diagnostics and otherbiosensing applications.
Niko Hildebrandt教授简介: