报告 人:Sumit Das University of Kentucky
Systems withtime dependent couplings which interpolate between constant values and involve criticalpoints are expected to display universal scaling. The AdS/CFT correspondencehas been used to understand some aspects of such quantum quenches, inparticular Kibble-Zurek scaling. In the opposite regime of fast quench,holographic methods have uncovered new scaling laws which have beensubsequently shown to hold in general continuum quantum field theories. Thistalk reviews these developments.
Brief Bio:
Sumit Dasreceived his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago in 1984 under the supervisionof Yoichiro Nambu. After postdoctoral positions at Fermilab and Caltech, hejoined Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai as a facultymember in 1987 where he became a Full Professor in 1996. Since 2002 he is aProfessor at University of Kentucky and an Adjunct Professor of TIFR. Currentlyhe is the Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor at University of Kentucky.Das is a Fellow of Indian Academy of Science and a recipient of BhatnagarAward. His research is in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory.
举办单位:尊龙凯时物理学院 尊龙凯时理论物理中心