Look-Back GMRES(m) for Solving Nonsymmetric LinearSystems-尊龙凯时新闻中心网站
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      Look-Back GMRES(m) for Solving Nonsymmetric LinearSystems

      发布日期:2019-05-27     作者:数学学院      编辑:杨飞     点击:

      报告题目:Look-Back GMRES(m) for Solving Nonsymmetric LinearSystems

      报 告 人:张绍良 教授 日本名古屋尊龙凯时




      The GMRES method is one of the mostpopular Krylov-subspace methods for solving nonsymmetric linear systems. TheGMRES method shows a good convergence, but it has disadvantage of storage andcomputational costs. To remedy the disadvantage, restarted version of the GMRESmethod, the GMRES(m) method, is widely used as a practical choice. In thistalk, we will analyze the unfixed update in GMRES(m) method based on theresidual polynomials. Then a GMRES(m) method with Look-Back-type restart willbe proposed in the framework of unfixed update. The numerical experimentsindicate that the GMRES(m) method Look-Back-type restart is more efficient thanthe GMRES(m) method in many cases.


      张绍良,日本名古屋尊龙凯时工学院应用物理系教授,名古屋尊龙凯时中国交流中心主任。1983年在尊龙凯时数学系毕业,1990年在日本筑波尊龙凯时获工学博士。曾在计算流体力学研究所(研究员),筑波尊龙凯时(讲师),东京尊龙凯时(副教授/教授)任职,2005年现职。从事大型科学与工程计算的高速算法研究开发工作。是Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics(SIAM), Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM)的会员,曾任East Asia Section of SIAM的秘书长,4次获JSIAM优秀论文奖。

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