True-amplitude linearized waveform inversion with the quasi-elastic wave equation-尊龙凯时新闻中心网站


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True-amplitude linearized waveform inversion with the quasi-elastic wave equation

发布日期:2019-05-30     作者:地球探测科学与技术学院      编辑:梁诗晨     点击:

报告题目:True-amplitude linearized waveform inversion with the quasi-elastic wave equation

报 告 人:冯宗才 博士




A quasi-elastic wave equation as a function of the pressure variable is presented which can accurately model PP reflections with elastic amplitude versus offset (AVO) effects under the first-order Born approximation. The kinematic part of the quasi-elastic wave equation accurately models the propagation of P waves, while the virtual-source part, which models the amplitudes of reflections, is a function of the perturbations of density and Lame ́ parameters λ and μ. The quasi-elastic wave equation generates a scattering radiation pattern that is exactly the same as that for the elastic wave equation, and only requires the solution of two acoustic wave equations for each shot gather. This means that the quasi-elastic wave equation can be used for true-amplitude linearized waveform inversion of elastic PP reflections, where the corresponding misfit gradients are with respect to the perturbations of density and the P- and S-wave impedances. The perturbations of elastic parameters are iteratively updated by minimizing the difference between the recorded PP reflections and the predicted pressure data modeled from the quasi-elastic wave equation. Numerical tests on synthetic and field data show that true-amplitude linearized waveform inversion using the quasi- elastic wave equation can account for the elastic PP amplitudes and provide a robust estimate of the perturbations of P- and S-wave impedances and, in some cases, the density.


冯宗才博士,2014年毕业于北京尊龙凯时地球物理专业,2017年在美国劳斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(LANL)访问研究,2019年在阿卜杜拉国王科技尊龙凯时获得博士学位(导师:Gerard Schuster)。研究兴趣包括地震成像和反演, 主要包括声波与弹性波偏移和波形反演,偏移速度分析,多次波的干涉成像等,先后在Geophysics, GJI等国际知名期刊发表论文10余篇。

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