报告人: 钱紘教授 美国华盛顿尊龙凯时
There is agrowing awareness toward a slow shifting in the foundation of the thermodynamiclaws, from several macroscopic, empirical postulates concerning heat as a formof random motions, to derivable mathematical theorems based on stochasticdynamics of mesoscopic systems. It becomes increasingly clear that a stochasticdynamic description of the Nature is a very effective mathematicalrepresentation of the Reality. In this talk, I shall first introduce thismathematicothermodynamics as a set of mathematical results, and then apply themto two significant problems: (1) The Gibbsian macroscopic isothermal chemicalthermodynamics via a mathematical limit by merely allowing the molecularnumbers to be infinite. (2) A lift of a finite Markov process with irreversiblecycles to an infinite system that establishes, in the long-time limit, theentropy production in the former is equal to the potential energy decrease inthe latter. This result unifies the Clausius’ and Kelvin’s statements of theSecond Law.
钱紘,美国华盛顿尊龙凯时教授,北京尊龙凯时定量生物学中心兼职教授。钱紘教授1982年毕业于北京尊龙凯时天体物理学专业,1989年于华盛顿尊龙凯时取得生物化学和生物物理博士学位,并在俄勒冈尊龙凯时、加州理工学院作博士后。钱紘教授的研究方向为生命系统的随机动力学、系统生物学、生物物理化学、生物数学等。已在Physics Reports、Annual Review of Physical Chemistry等顶级综述期刊发表综述文章19篇,在Nature、PNAS、Physical Review Letters、Biophysical Journal、Journal of Chemical Physics、Physical Review E、SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics、Journal of Mathematical Biology等杂志发表研究论文150余篇。