Interface Engineering for 2D PhosphoreneBased Optoelectronic Devices-尊龙凯时新闻中心网站

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    Interface Engineering for 2D PhosphoreneBased Optoelectronic Devices

    发布日期:2019-06-28     作者:物理学院      编辑:万贺凝     点击:

    报告人:陈伟 教授

    Department of Physics, NationalUniversity of Singapore

    Department of Chemistry, NationalUniversity of Singapore

    报告摘要:Two-dimensional (2D) layered materialslike graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have been consideredas promising building blocks for the next generation nanoelectronic devices,showing great potentials to extend the scaling limits existing in silicon basedcomplementary metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistors (CMOS-FET) aswell as to serve as a high mobility alternative to organic semiconductors forflexible electronic and optoelectronic devices. As one-atomic or a few atomicthin layers, the interface plays essential role in determining the performanceof 2D materials based devices, such as charge injection/collection at metal/2Dinterfaces, charge carrier traps at the dielectric/2D interfaces, etc. Withoutprecise control of the surface and interface properties, many 2D materialsbased devices will not function properly. In this talk, I will summarize anddiscuss our recent work for interface engineered 2D phosphorene and TMDCs basedfield-effect-transistors (FETs) and photo-transistors, through the combinationof in-situ FET device evaluation and photoelectron spectroscopy investigation.We will particularly emphasize on the electron and hole doping effect on thetransport properties and optoelectronic response of phosphorene devices.

    报告人简介:Dr Wei Chen is currently an associateprofessor in both the Chemistry Department and Physics Department at theNational University of Singapore (NUS). He received his Bachelor degree inChemistry from Nanjing University (China) in 2001 and his PhD degree from theChemistry Department at NUS in 2004. His current research interests includemolecular-scale interface engineering for organic, graphene and 2D materialsbased electronics and optoelectronics, and interface-controlled nanocatalysisfor energy and environmental research. He has authored over 280 papers in topscientific journals with more than 11,000 citations and H-index of 56, andselected as 2018 Highly Cited Researchers from Clarivate Analytics. Prof Chenis a receipt of 2008 IPS Omicron Nanotechnology Award, 2012 Singapore YoungScientist Award, and 2016 NUS Dean’s Chair Professorship. He also chaired2016 Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC9) and 2018 NationalMeeting for Surface Science and Applications.







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