报告题目:Possible presence of noble gas and itscompounds at the Earth’s core
报告人:Dr. Yansun Yao (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
报告摘要:Various geophysicalmodels have shown that noble gases such as Xe and Ar are depleted in Earth’smain reservoirs (i.e., continental crust, atmosphere, and silicate mantle).This indicates that a large amount of noble gas may be present in the Earth’score but such consideration is hindered by the lack of knowledge on thereactability of noble gas elements with the core’s main constituents (Ni andFe). Here we demonstrate, using density functional calculations and in situ synchrotronx-ray diffraction, that stable compounds can form between Xe/Ar and Ni/Fe atthermodynamic conditions representative of the Earth’s core. Such compounds arestabilized by notable electron transfer from metals to noble gas elements,changing the electron configurations of the latter toward s-metal. The presentresults suggest that the abundance of noble gas in the Earth’s core is beyond asimple solubility of noble gas in molten Ni-Fe but a chemical reaction innature, which is truly extraordinary considering the inert nature of noblegases at ambient conditions.
Yansun Yao, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
University of Saskatchewan
2003-2008 Ph. D., CondensedMatter Physics, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
2000-2003 M. Sc., CondensedMatter Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
1996-2000 B. Sc., AppliedPhysics, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Working Experience
2012 – Assistant, AssociateProfessor, Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, University ofSaskatchewan, Canada
2012 – Research Scientist,Canadian Light Source, Canada
2009 – 2012Assistant ResearchOfficer,National Research Council of Canada
2008 – 2009Research Associate,National Research Council of Canada