报告题目: Well-posedness and asymptotic behaviorof solutions for the 3D electron inertial Hall-MHD equations
报 告 人:赵晓朋 副教授 东北尊龙凯时
报告时间:2019年11月9日 下午14:30-15:30
Inthis talk, we consider the well-posedness and time decay rate of solutions for3D electron inertial Hall-MHD equations. First, we establish the small dataglobal well-posedness results on the electron inertial Hall-MHD equations withfourth order and second order magnetic diffusion terms. Second, we consider thelocal existence of solutions for the electron inertial Hall-MHD equations withzero magnetic diffusion term. Moreover, we also give some time decay and spacetime decay estimates on the electron inertial Hall-MHD equations.