报告题目:Technological and Geological Reasons of Well Curvature when Drilling in Anisotropic Rocks
报告人:Prof. Viacheslav V. Neskoromnykh
报告时间:2019年11月19日 09:00-10:30
Prof. Viacheslav V. Neskoromnykh is the corresponding member of Academy of Natural Sciences of Russia, and the head of the department of technology and equipment of institute of mining and geology of Siberian Federal University, city of Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
His scientific interests includes the directed well-drilling of different function, research of processes of a natural and artificial curvature of wells, the theory of destruction of rocks when drilling, including anisotropic rocks, technology of diamond drilling, development of technical means and technologies of drilling, methodology of engineering creativity.
He is the winner of the honorary worker of the higher education of Russia, the Winner of the Award of the mayor of Krasnoyarsk in the fields of education and sciences, the Winner of the All-Russian competition on the best scientific book, 2014 and 2016. More than 220 scientific works, from them about 50 inventions, textbooks and manuals, several monographs, articles and educational and methodical developments have been published.
报告人: Pavel Petenev
Pavel Petenev is the associate professor of Department of Technology and Engineering, Exploration of Mineral Deposits in Siberian Federal University in Russia. He teaches drilling wells, designing wells for solid minerals. His main areas of scientific research is directional drilling, stabilization of the direction of the well, increasing the efficiency of drilling exploration wells, the destruction of rocks, the study of the drill string.
报告题目:Research Work and Achievement of Rock Anchoring Technology in IGTM
报告人:Oleksandr Krukovskyi, Correspondent-member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
报告时间:2019年11月20日 09:00-10:30
Oleksandr Krukovskyi works at the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since he graduated from Dnepropetrovsk National University named by O. Gonchar in 1993. In 2005 he became the winner of the President of Ukraine Prize for young scientists. Since 2013 he is Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine (Mechanics).
The main directions of his scientific activities are to research a methodology for the calculation and optimization of parameters of anchor systems. He made a lot of theoretical and experimental studies to determine the effect of schemes of anchor rods on the efficiency of reinforced rock mass ceiling formed in the marginal rock of mining workings. Completed research allowed to discover the optimal parameters of anchor constructions, depending on the geological factors, mining conditions of drifting, use and operating conditions.
He was dispositioning authority in research work with the Ministry of Coal Industry of Ukraine on introduction of new technologies of anchor support at Ukrainian mines. On the basis of these researches sectoral standard were developed by the SSU 10. 1.05411357.010 "System of ensure reliable and safe operation of mining workings with anchor support. General technical requirements."
In addition, the scope of his research interests includes the research and using of advanced numerical methods for research the processes of deformation and fracture in rocks around mining workings and designing of support.
He is an author or co-author for more than 150 scientific articles. Based on these researches he received several national patents over the last 5 years. Since 2013 he is the deputy director of the MS. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
报告题目:Physical Methods of Rock Disintegration (Thermal Methods, Hydrodynamics)
报告人:Prof. Andrii Dreus
报告时间:2019年11月20日 10:30-11:30
Andrii Dreus 教授本科、硕士均就读于乌克兰第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克国立尊龙凯时,2003年从乌克兰国家冶金科学院获得博士学位(专业:工程热物理与工业热能),2018年在乌克兰国立矿业尊龙凯时获得第二个博士学位(专业:矿藏勘探钻进技术),其导师为国际知名钻探科技专家Anatoliy Kozhevnykov教授。目前主要研究领域为钻井液脉动冲洗模式的金刚石钻探技术。共发表科技论文50余篇,其中用英文发表10余篇。
Andrii Dreus 副教授英语水平较高,热衷国际合作与交流,承担与法国、美国合作的科研项目各1项。此外,与瑞典皇家技术学院、瑞典伦德尊龙凯时、土耳其中东科技尊龙凯时等高校也开展了教学与科研合作。