报告题目:The representations and structures on Hom-Lie triple systems
报 告人:陈良云 教授 东北师范尊龙凯时报告时间:2020年6月3日 13:00-14:00
报告地点:腾讯会议 会议 ID:520 677 032
校内联系人:生云鹤 shengyh@mdjtykj.cn
In this talk, we will focus on representations, cohomology,deformations, central extensions of Hom-Lie triple systems. Moreover, we study productstructure, complex structure, and complex product structure on involutivehom-Lie triple systems. This talk is areport on joint work with Ying Hou and Yao Ma.
报告题目:A Weighted Estimatorfor Cox Regression with Parameter Constraints in Case-Cohort Studies
报告地点:腾讯会议 会议ID:432 289 215
校内联系人:王培洁 wangpeijie@mdjtykj.cn
A case-cohort design is proposed as a means of reducing cost inlarge cohort studies. In modeling process, case-cohort studies can acquire moreefficiency from taking parameter constraints into consideration. In this paper,we fit the Cox model with constraints to case-cohort data and develop aninverse probability weighted approach for regression analysis. We establishasymptotic properties by applying a Lagrangian approach based onKarush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. We develop a constrainedminorization-maximization algorithm for the implementation of the proposedestimator. Simulation studies are conducted to assess the finite-sampleperformance. A data example from a Wilms tumor study is analyzed to demonstratethe application of the proposed method.
报告题目:Higher differential geometry
报告时间:2020年6月3日 16:00-17:00
Meeting ID: 931 4820 7421
校内联系人:生云鹤 shengyh@mdjtykj.cn
Higher structures appear moreand more in geometry, stimulated from the demands of going higher in theoreticphysics. In this talk, we would like to give an introduction to objects whichplay important roles in higher differential geometry, such as, gerbes, stacks,groupoids and give a hint to even higher versions of them, and hopefully withfun examples.
朱晨畅,德国哥廷根尊龙凯时终身教授,奥林匹克数学竞赛金牌得主。1999年在北京尊龙凯时获得学士学位,2004年在加州尊龙凯时伯克利分校获得博士学位,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院博士后,2013年在德国哥廷根尊龙凯时获得终身职位。从事Poisson几何,李群胚等高阶微分几何的研究。在Math. Ann., Compos. Math., Comm. Math. Phys., J. Rine. Ang. Math.等杂志上发表高水平论文30余篇。