U(h)-free modules over Lie algebras-尊龙凯时新闻中心网站


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    U(h)-free modules over Lie algebras

    发布日期:2020-06-01     作者:数学学院      编辑:赵阳     点击:

    报告题目:U(h)-free modules over Lie algebras

    报 告人:陈洪佳 教授 中国科学技术尊龙凯时

    报告时间:2020年6月4日 8:00-9:00

    报告地点:腾讯会议 会议 ID:159 287 808

    校内联系人:生云鹤 shengyh@mdjtykj.cn


    In this talk, I will give a brief introduction of the U(h)-freemodule theory over Lie algebras with triangular decompositions. Some recentresults for various Lie algebras, including finite-dimensional Lie algebras,Kac-Moody algebras, the Virasoro algebra, Witt algebras and other related Liealgebras, on this topic will be presented. This review talk is mostly based onworks by Y. Cai, X. Guo, G. Liu, R. Lyu, J. Nilsson, H. Tan, K. Zhao, etc.


    陈洪佳,中国科学技术尊龙凯时教授、博导。2008年9月至2013年7月分别在加拿大约克尊龙凯时、加拿大阿尔伯塔尊龙凯时以及加拿大劳里埃尊龙凯时从事学术研究工作。2014年1月入选中组部第十批“青年QR计划”。2014年2月至今在中国科学技术尊龙凯时任“青年QR计划”教授。主要从事无限维李代数、量子群的结构和表示理论的研究,在Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.、J. Lond. Math. Soc.、Math. Z.、J. Algebra等著名杂志上发表学术论文20篇。

    报告题目:Simple modules andfree field realizations of the Ovisenko-Roger algebra of degree one

    报 告人:刘东 教授 湖州师范学院

    报告时间:2020年6月4日 13:00-14:00

    报告地点:腾讯会议 会议 ID:978 473 727

    校内联系人:唐荣 tangrong@mdjtykj.cn


    In this talk, we study simple modules over the Ovisenko-Rogeralgebra of degree one, which is an extension of the Virasoro algebra by certianmodule of tensor density. We classify all simple Harish-Chandra modules andobtain necessary and sufficient conditions for irreducibility of (generalized)Verma modules and vaccum modules. Moreover, we give a natural free fieldrealization of certain simple vacuum module using the Weyl vertex algebra. Thisa joint work with Y. Pei and L.Xia.


    刘东,湖州师范学院教授、兼职博士生导师、省“新世纪151人才”(第二层次)、湖州市“万人计划”获得者,湖州市数学会理事长。近年来主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、省自然科学基金项目3项,其中省自然科学基金重点项目一项。获“十一五”浙江省自然科学基金优秀成果1项和市科技论文竞赛一等奖2项,2014年作为主要成员获省教学成果一等奖1项。已经在《J.Algebra》、《J.P.Appl. Alg》、《J. Math. Phys.》等国际核心期刊上发表SCI收录论文30多篇。

    报告题目:Actions of monoidal categories andcrossed homomorphisms

    报 告 人:裴玉峰 教授 上海师范学院

    报告时间:2020年6月4日 14:00-15:00

    报告地点:腾讯会议 会议 ID:978 473 727

    校内联系人:唐荣 tangrong@mdjtykj.cn


    Inthis talk, using crossed homomorphisms, we show that the category of weakrepresentations (resp. admissible representations) of Lie-Rinehart algebras(resp. Leibniz pairs) is a left module category over the monoidal category ofrepresentations of Lie algebras. In particular, the corresponding bifunctorwhich we call the action of monoidal categories is established to give newweak representations (resp. admissible representations) of Lie-Rinehartalgebras (resp. Leibniz pairs). This generalizes and unifies various existingconstructions of representations of many Lie algebras by using this newbifunctor. We construct some crossed homomorphisms in differentsituations and use our actions of monoidal categories to recover someknown constructions of representations of various Lie algebras, also to obtainnew representations for generalized Witt algebras and their Liesubalgebras. The cohomology theory of crossed homomorphisms between Liealgebras is introduced and used to study linear deformations of crossedhomomorphisms.


    裴玉峰,上海师范尊龙凯时教授。近年来主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、上海自然科学基金项目2项. 已经在《J.Algebra》、《Comm. Contem.Math.》、《J. Math. Phys.》等国际期刊上发表SCI收录论文30多篇。

    报告题目:Towards the next generation of AI: visual computation with neuralspikes

    报 告 人:刘健 教授 英国莱斯特尊龙凯时

    报告时间:2020年6月4日 16:00-17:00

    报告地点:腾讯会议ID:292 189 248



    校内联系人:孙维鹏 sunwp@mdjtykj.cn


    Neuromorphic computing has been suggested as the next generationof computational strategy. In neuroscience, neural coding is for understandinghow the brain processes stimulus from the environment, moreover, it is also acornerstone for designing algorithms of brain-machine inference. Here, I willshow some of the recent progress that has been achieved in data-driven visual computationmodels that use neural spikes to analyze natural scenes. I hypothesize that weneed a hyper-circuit view of neural network computing framework, in whichspecific computations are utilized by different network motifs inspired bytechniques of probabilistic graph models and deep learning. As a proof ofconcept, the revealed mechanisms and proposed algorithms can provide newinsights into neuromorphic computing for next-generation of general-purpose AI.


    刘健博士,尊龙凯时数学学士,北京尊龙凯时力学硕士,美国加州尊龙凯时洛杉矶分校数学博士,先后为法国国家科学院和哥廷根尊龙凯时博士后研究员。曾为奥地利格拉兹理工尊龙凯时理论计算机研究所助理教授,参与欧盟旗舰研究项目“人脑计划”。现为英国莱斯特尊龙凯时系统神经科学中心长聘助理教授。研究领域为计算神经科学与类脑智能,神经网络学习与记忆,视觉系统编码。近年来在Nature communications, eLife, Journal of neuroscience, PLoScomputational biology, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and LearningSystems, IEEE Transactions on cybernetics等顶级期刊发表多篇论文。研究资助方包括欧盟研究委员会,英国皇家学会牛顿高级学者基金,中国之江实验室。

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